Raising aspirations

Making sporting activities accessible as part of a young person’s education and encouraging young people to participate in activity will not only help develop an interest in sport but for those who already love the outdoors, it will without doubt, raise aspirations.

At Rockley, we see the benefits on a daily basis from the primary and secondary school groups who come on a residential trip to either France or the UK to our BTEC L3 Sport students who have chosen this very practical-based outdoor adventure course as an alternative to sixth form.

The power of sport

You can never underestimate the power of sport in its capacity to nurture and develop our young people both morally and socially and the way it forces them to cope with successes and defeats. Not only will they hugely benefit from being with their friends and peers but it also nurtures a team mentality. These are all important life lessons which will not only see them confidently through school life but also through life.

For details on our BTEC L3 Sport course, please click below:

BTEC L3 Sport

For details on our School and Group Activity Trips, please click below:

Schools & Groups


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